TBI Treatment


Traumatic Brain Injury

Brainwave patterns are different between healthy adults and those with traumatic brain injury, which alone suggests the need for brain-wave (EEG) normalization after injury. EEG biofeedback improves memory in persons with brain injury as well as attention and response accuracy during problem solving tasks (Tinius & Tinius, 2000). Walker, Norman, and Weber (2002) found 88% of mild head injury patients showed more than 50% improvement in EEG coherence scores, and all patients who had been employed prior to injury reported being able to return to work following the treatment. EEG-based therapy results in improved cognitive functioning as well as self-reports of depression and fatigue (Schoenberger, Shif, Esty, Ochs, & Matheis, 2001). Beta feedback improved attention deficits compared to controls (Keller, 2001).

Center For Integrated Therapies mental health therapy, therapist, therapy in Sarasota, FL

Electroencephalogram Biofeedback for Reading Disability and Traumatic Brain Injury
Efficacy of traumatic brain injury rehabilitation: interventions of QEEG-guided biofeedback, computers, strategies, and medications. by Thornton KE Ph.D. and Carmody DP Ph.D.

www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18551365 One in 6 students exhibit learning disabilities, with 6.5 million children requiring special education in 2002, most of whom have specific learning disabilities or speech and language problems without any physical disability

EEG Operant Conditioning (biofeedback) and Traumatic Brain Injury by Thatcher RW.

Impact of qEEG-Guided Coherence Training for Patients with a Mild Closed Head Injury by Jonathan E. Walker, Charles A. Norman, & Ronald K. Weber.
Recovery from mild closed head injury was noted in 88% of patients. The majority of patients with mild closed head injury experienced substantial and rapid improvement, including return to work.

Improvement/Rehabilitation of Memory Functioning with Neurotherapy/QEEG biofeedback by Thornton K.

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